3- Managing Loans
Financial institutions that use outdated software and lend that way can face extremely challenging and risky situations. In the first stage, there will be a long time interval between the application and the granting of the loan, which can take up to three weeks.
The small database of credit scoring factors can lead to inaccurate estimates of certain borrowers. Plus the application of unscientific credit models carries a high risk of wrong predictions. And lending or extending money to customers who will not be able to pay their debts can cause huge losses for financial institutions.
AI, on the other hand, enhances all processes and provides highly configurable and scalable processors to eliminate these possible defaults in credit management. It can easily track customers’ transactions and analyze the data of users. And because it does all these by constantly learning and improving itself, it also provides an extremely agile structure to the financial sector.
4- Anomaly Detection
Cybersecurity, fraud detection and compliance issues are extremely important for banks. Identifying all these possible situations with the help of AI and machine learning is called anomaly detection. And banks have increased the amount of investment they have made in this field in recent years.
According to the research, it is stated that more than 50% of the $3 billion investment in artificial intelligence in the banking sector is provided by vendors specializing in cybersecurity, fraud, compliance and risk management.
Using AI for anomaly detection enables banks to avoid regulatory fines, preserve their reputation and save a significant amount of time and money with the automated processes at scale. To create all these benefits and value for banks, machine learning uses several relevant techniques for anomaly detection:
- Neural Networks: Neural networks are based on the classification model of the human brain. There is an input layer followed by one or more processing layers and an output layer. It classifies financial transactions made as a result of these layers as ‘normal’ or ‘suspicious’.
- Clustering: This technique works by grouping records. Similar records are clustered and records outside the cluster are marked as ‘suspicious’.
- Decision Trees: The decision trees technique uses a set of IF-ELSE statements to classify a financial transaction record or run a forecast.
- Classification: The classification algorithms technique uses the record labelling method. When it detects any anomaly, it automatically tags this process as ‘suspicious’.
Using AI-supported solutions is now more than a trend, it has become a necessity for bankers. AI is now an integral part of bankers’ growth strategies to create the benefits and values mentioned above. However, it should be noted that what is more important than using AI technologies is to implement these technologies in the most accurate and appropriate way.
Thanks to our 30 years of experience and customer-centricity, we bring a radical approach to financial software to help banks step up to adopt smart finance. One of the smartest solutions we offer is RISQ | compliance. With RISQ | compliance you can accelerate regulatory compliance and reporting and spot unusual trades in real-time.